


十年前,宙斯的半神半人兒子帕修斯(山姆沃辛頓 飾)英勇地打敗了可怕的遠古海怪(Kraken),現在他隱身為村落漁民,跟10歲大的兒子赫利俄斯(Helius)兩人過著平靜的生活。

同時,眾神與泰坦神族之間的權力鬥爭正方興未艾。眾神因缺乏人類的忠誠勢力漸衰,因而失去對泰坦神族及其殘暴領袖克羅諾斯(Kronos)的控制。克羅諾斯正是宙斯(連恩尼森 飾)、黑帝斯(雷夫范恩斯 飾)和波塞頓(丹尼休斯頓 飾)三人的父親,不過這長期稱霸的三兄弟很久以前就推翻他們的強大父親,棄他於塔耳塔羅斯(Tartarus)的陰鬱深淵自生自滅,是一處深埋於地下世界的地窖。

此時,黑帝斯跟宙斯的神祇兒子阿瑞斯(Ares,艾德格拉米雷茲 飾)一同倒戈,並跟克羅諾斯勾結要俘獲宙斯。隨著宙斯的神力消退,泰坦神族的力量為之壯大,地獄勢力也入侵地球,因此帕修斯再也不能忽視其真正的使命。

帕修斯求助於波塞頓的半神半人兒子阿基納(Argenor,托比凱貝爾 飾)、遭貶黜的神祗希費斯特斯(比爾奈伊 飾)及女戰士安朵美達女王(羅莎蒙派克 飾),他勇敢地發起反叛,深入地下世界設法解救宙斯,並竭力打倒泰坦神族以拯救人類。

Sam Worthington, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson star once again as gods at war in Wrath of the Titans, under the direction of Jonathon Liebesman.

A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus (Worthington) the demigod son of Zeus (Neeson) is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 1-year old son, Helius.

Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades (Fiennes) and Poseidon (Danny Houston). The triumvirate had overthrown their powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the cavernous underworld.

Perseus cannot ignore his true calling when Hades, along with Zeus' godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramirez), switch loyalties and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The Titans' strength grows stronger as Zeus' remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed on earth.
  • IMAX 3D 立體版
  • 上映2012-03-30
  • 類型動作ACTION
  • 片長1小時39分鐘
  • 發行華納兄弟
  • 導演
  • 強納森李伯斯曼 Jonathan Liebesman
  • 演員
  • 山姆沃辛頓Sam Worthington
  • 連恩尼遜Liam Neeson
  • 雷夫范恩斯Ralph Fiennes
  • 比爾奈利Bill Nighy
  • 羅莎蒙派克Rosamund Pike
  • 托比凱貝爾Toby Kebbell