


創意取材自1966年最成功的黑色電視劇「Dark Shadows」,強尼戴普將在【黑影家族】中飾演一名活了超過兩百年的吸血鬼波拿巴,不過這並非他所願意的。原來早在1752年的時候,他的父母親為了逃避依附在家族的可怕的詛咒,從英國遠渡重洋來到新大陸生活,經過多年的努力,終於讓20年後的波拿巴享受富裕的生活。他是格林伍斯的莊園主人,年輕、英俊又有權勢,鄰近的少女們無不對他傾心,偏偏他是個花花公子,傷透了不少少女的心,這都不打緊,但是他千不該萬不該,竟然傷了安潔莉卡的心,安潔莉卡(伊娃葛林飾)是個心狠手辣的女巫,由愛生恨的她在波拿巴身上施下比死亡更恐怖的詛咒:將他變成吸血鬼,並且將他活埋在莊園的地底,要他永遠見不得天日,求生不得,求死不能。


In the year 1752, Joshua and Naomi Collins, with young son Barnabas, set sail from Liverpool, England, to start a new life in America. But even an ocean was not enough to escape the mysterious curse that has plagued their family. Two decades pass and Barnabas (Johnny Depp) has the world at his feet -- or at least the town of Collinsport, Maine. The master of Collinwood Manor, Barnabas is rich, powerful and an inveterate playboy ... until he makes the grave mistake of breaking the heart of Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green). A witch, in every sense of the word, Angelique dooms him to a fate worse than death: turning him into a vampire, and then burying him alive.

Two centuries later, Barnabas is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate has fallen into ruin. The dysfunctional remnants of the Collins family have fared little better, each harboring their own dark secrets. Matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Michelle Pfeiffer) has called upon live-in psychiatrist, Dr. Julia Hoffman (Helena Bonham Carter), to help with her family troubles.
  • IMAX 巨型銀幕版
  • 上映2012-05-11
  • 類型喜劇 Comedy
  • 片長1小時53分鐘
  • 發行華納兄弟
  • 導演
  • 提姆波頓 Tim Burton
  • 演員
  • 強尼戴普Johnny Depp
  • 伊娃葛林Eva Green
  • 蜜雪兒菲佛Michelle Pfeiffer
  • 強尼李米勒Jonny Lee Miller
  • 海倫娜波漢卡特Helena Bonham Carter